U.S. Women in Nuclear Happenings – 2021 Q2 & Q3
Another excellent national conference is in the books! U.S. Women in Nuclear is so active outside of the conferences too. We hope you will enjoy this update summarizing recent activities, and perhaps be inspired to become even more involved than before!


News & Events

WiN Global Conference – Registration Open
Registration for the WiN Global conference is now open! The conference will be virtual and is scheduled for October 17-21, 2021. Please visit our website to register.

Region III Conference – Registration Open
Registration for the Region III conference is now open! The conference will be virtual and is scheduled for August 19-20, 2021. Registration is available here.

U.S. Women in Nuclear Awards Ceremony 2021
Watch the 2021 Awards Ceremony on our YouTube channel!

Member Spotlights

Fatma Yilmaz, Nuclear Fuel and Analysis Manager at South Texas Project Nuclear Generating Station (STP)

April 2021
Fatma Yilmaz






Mackenzie Warwick, Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences student at University of Michigan
May 2021

Mackenzie Warwick 

The WINning Edge

Introducing: NEXT22
“U.S. Women in Nuclear and the Nuclear Energy Institute proudly present the 2022 cohort of Nuclear Executives of Tomorrow (NEXT)….providing an intimate network for ambitious women in the nuclear industry, intended to help each other succeed.”
U.S. WIN’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Initiative
“It is not only the right thing to do to provide opportunity to everybody in our local communities, it provides the diversity of thought and ideas that will propel our industry forward as part of the clean energy economy.”
Other recent articles:

Website Spotlight

U.S. WIN PowerPoint Template

Did you know that U.S. WIN has a PowerPoint template available for you to use at all of your local events? The template is a tool available to you to help you align with the U.S. WIN Style Guide. Our goal is for all chapters and regions to use this template to promote consistency throughout our organization.

To find the PowerPoint template, go to https://www.winus.org/resources/ and click on the “U.S. Women in Nuclear PowerPoint Template” link to download the file. The U.S. Women in Nuclear Style Guide is located directly next to the template and includes more information about our branding guidelines.

As a reminder, if your chapter would prefer to use a company template along with the U.S. WIN logo, prior permission is required. The “U.S. WIN Trademark (Logo) Form” under the Resource Tab provides instructions for this process.

Outreach Library

Nuclear Science Week Activities
Nuclear 2020 NSW activities for a variety of age groups brought to you by Exelon-KSQ.
Virtual “Get to Know Nuclear” Girl Scout Patch
This is a set of activities that would allow a Girl Scout troop to virtually complete the “Get to Know Nuclear” Patch (sponsored by the American Nuclear Society).
Navigating Nuclear – Educator Resources
Navigating Nuclear: Energizing Our World is an exciting new program from the American Nuclear Society and Discovery Education, designed to provide educators with free, standards-aligned activities, lessons, career explorations, and project ideas to clarify common misconceptions surrounding nuclear science and explore its role in future technological applications.

Professional Development Library

US WIN Professional Development Webinar – Technical Writing 04/22/2021
This is a recording of the Professional Development Webinar held on 04/220/2021, by Mandi Stanley about Technical Writing.
Call for Volunteers – National Committees
All of the national committees are looking for new committee members, especially the Awards and Recognition Committee and the Communications Committee. You can view a summary of each committee through the Committees drop down menu option after you login to the website. If you are interested in joining, please contact the committee chair listed at the bottom of the Leadership page.

Awards and Recognition Committee

Do you know of a U.S. WIN member who has made significant contributions and demonstrates leadership in the three U.S. WIN strategic objectives:

  • Drive a culture in nuclear energy and technology in which all individuals succeed
  • Create professional development and networking opportunities for career advancement
  • Enhance understanding and awareness of the value of nuclear energy and technology

Consider nominating them for the U.S. WIN Leadership Award! The nomination form is also on the website under the Awards & Recognition tab. We are currently taking nominations until December 15, 2021, for the 2022 U.S. WIN Leadership Award.

This year’s U.S. WIN Leadership Award winner was announced at the National U.S. WIN Conference as Maria Lacal! Check out the end of the conference awards ceremony for moving testimonies about the impact this leader has had on our industry.

Professional Development Committee

The PD committee helped to facilitate the following sessions at the 2021 U.S. WIN Conference:

  • Building a Better U: Redefining Success
  • Building a Better Tomorrow – Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential
  • Building Leadership Agility
  • Building Tomorrow’s Leaders

The PD Mentoring Subcommittee made tremendous progress on the Mentoring Pilot this year and hosted the kick-off meeting on the Sunday before the conference. There was also a mentor/mentee panel session during the conference, separate from the Mentoring Pilot.

In other news, Amanda Stewart is transitioning out of the PD Chair role, and Tammera Baker is the new PD Committee Chair. We will have elections for other positions during a virtual PD face to face meeting post conference.

Reminder for all U.S. WIN members to submit entries into the Professional Development Library.

Members-At-Large Corner

Mix It Up with Members-At-Large (MALs)

All US WIN members were invited to attend the Members-At-Large Zoom Mixer on Tuesday, Aug. 3 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. ET following the U.S. Women in Nuclear Conference. For this BYOE (bring your own everything) mixer, participants were encouraged to  show off their style and come prepared to mingle.  Those styles ranged from fancy cocktail dresses to casual wear suitable for hiking national parks to full UT Volunteer regalia.

Adding to the fun, some of the thirty participants created nuclear / atomic / STEM themed refreshments: spirited or non-alcoholic cocktails, nibbles and hors d’oeuvres.
The mixer provided a chance to meet someone new and, for some, a time to reconnect with old friends.

Facilitating networking and creating opportunities is a key focus of the members at-large committee.  The next meeting of the MAL committee will be held the week of September 13th.  New committee members are welcome!  Contact Gilda Bocock (gildabocock@gmail.com) for details.

Leading Group Notes

Meeting notes for the most recent leading group call have been posted on the website. A couples items to highlight:

  • The WIN-NEI-ANS-NAYGN MOU has been rebranded as #AtomicAllies.
  • The Awards and Recognition Committee is rolling out a template to give chapters the ability to draft their own letters to thank their CNOs or Executive Sponsors for their support and to recognize individual members for their contribution to U.S. WIN.
Read More: Leading Group notes