
Meet the Leadership of U.S. Women in Nuclear Steering Committee

U.S. Women in Nuclear is led by a Steering Committee which drives the national agenda and programming and sets the national strategic and policy goals for WIN. Additionally, the Steering Committee organizes the annual national conference. For more information regarding U.S. WIN leadership, please refer to the U.S. WIN Organization Chart.

Juliann Edwards

Chair of U.S. WIN
NEXT Oversight Committee


Juliann Edwards is Chief Development Office at The Nuclear Company.

Rebecca Salvadore

Vice-Chair of U.S. WIN

GROW Oversight Committee


Rebecca Salvadore is the Director of Organization Performance and Regulatory at Constellation.

Victoria Dennis

Past-Chair of U.S. WIN
NEXT Oversight Committee
DEI Oversight Committee

WiN Global Representative


Victoria Dennis is the Senior Manager of Nuclear Safety Culture & Regulatory Programs at Tennessee Valley Authority.

Savannah Fitzwater

Steering Committee Chief of Staff


Savannah Fitzwater is the Program Manager for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Nuclear Energy, and participates in her personal capacity.

Angie Howard

Steering Committee Member
GROW Oversight Committee



Angie Howard is the President of Howard-Johnson Associates.

Kaitlin Rekola

Steering Committee Member
Nuclear Energy Institute Liaison
Conference Planning Committee Chair



Kaitlin Rekola is the Staff Counsel in the Legal Division at the Nuclear Energy Institute.

Jean Flemming

Steering Committee Member
Region I Executive Sponsor


Jean Fleming is the Vice President of Licensing, Regulatory Affairs & PSA at Holtec International.

Julie Ezold

Steering Committee Member
Region II Executive Sponsor


Julie Ezold is the Radioisotope Production and Operations Section Head at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Lisa Zurawski

Steering Committee Member
Region III Executive Sponsor


Lisa Zurawski is a Principal Regulatory Engineer at Constellation.

Fatma Yilmaz

Steering Committee Member
Region IV Executive Sponsor


Fatma Yilmaz is the Manager of Nuclear Fuel and Analysis at the South Texas Project.

Margie Barnes

Steering Committee Member
Members-At-Large Liaison

GROW Oversight Committee


Margie Barnes is the Assistant Operations Manager Support Oconee Nuclear Station for Duke Energy.

Jamie Coble

Steering Committee Member
Student Liaison


Jamie Coble is an Associate Professor and Southern Company Faculty Fellow in the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Denise Ingoe

Steering Committee Member
Professional Development Committee Executive Sponsor
GROW Oversight Committee


Denise Ingoe is an Engineering Manager at GE Power, Global Nuclear Fuel.

Tova Anderson

Steering Committee Member

Metrics Committee Executive Sponsor
NEXT Oversight Committee


Tova Anderson is a Customer Account Manager at Westinghouse Electric Company.

Lily Stuck

Steering Committee Member
Communications Committee Executive Sponsor

Atomic Allies Liaison


Lily Stuck is a Core Performance Engineer at Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant for Vistra.

Executive Advisory Council

The Executive Advisory Council is comprised of executives in the nuclear industry who advocate for U.S. Women in Nuclear. The Council provides strategic advice and serves as a sounding board to the U.S. Women in Nuclear Steering Committee on opportunities to promote the advancement of women. Further, the Council supports and advocates for the WIN organization amongst the nuclear industry executives.

Ms. Kym Harshaw

Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company

Dr. Marianne Walck

Chief Research Officer and Deputy Laboratory Director for Science and Technology, Idaho National Lab

Maria Korsnick

President & CEO, Nuclear Energy Institute

Ms. Pamela Cowan

President, Engineered Systems and Solutions, Westinghouse Electric Company

Grover Hettel

Chief Nuclear Officer, Energy Northwest

Kimberly Cook-Nelson

Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Entergy

Tim Rausch

Sr. Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Tennessee Valley Authority

Peter P. Sena, III

Executive Vice President & Chief Nuclear Officer, Southern Nuclear

Katherine Williams

Chief Executive Officer, Framatome Inc.

Jay Wileman

President & CEO, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy

Jeff Place

Ex Officio Member, Executive Vice President, Industry Strategy, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations

David Rhoades

President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Constellation

Kelvin Henderson

Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Duke Energy

Karin Feldman

Vice President, Program Management Office, NuScale Power

Regional Coordinators

The Regional Coordinators support U.S. WIN’s strategic objectives. They plan, organize and implement regional activities including networking opportunities and the annual region meetings. Regional coordinators on-board new chapters and facilitate the sharing of best practices and benchmarking between chapters.

Region Representatives

Region I: Micki Biltz Mickalene.Biltz@unnpp.gov

Region II: Eve Phillips eve.phillips@ge.com

Region III: Aisha Overstreet-Carter aisha.overstreet@constellation.com & Adelin (Addie) Van Nimwegen adelin.vannimwegen@constellation.com

Region IV: Collette Clermont – Colette.clermont@aps.com


At-Large Leads

Region I: Ferheen Qureshi Ferhenn.Qureshi@ge.com

Region II: Jody Porter jody.porter@stconsulting.com

Region III: Aisha Overstreet-Carter aisha.overstreet@constellation.com

Region IV: Kath Kunz sbeachkat@sbcglobal.net


Committee Chairs

Awards and Recognition Committee: Maryanne Stasko maryanne.stasko@duke-energy.com

Communications Committee: Dr. Amanda Bachmann abachmann@anl.gov

Conference Planning Committee: Kaitlin Rekola ker@nei.org

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee: Mandy Hare mandy.hare@duke-energy.com

Metrics Committee: Brenda Mills bmills@entergy.com & Scharla Bivings sbiving@entergy.com

Professional Development Committee: Price Collins Price.Collins@duke-energy.com