On December 19, 2017, Farley Women In Nuclear (WIN), members discussed how Farley Nuclear Plant works with approximately seventy 4th grade students from Heard Magnet School in Dothan, Alabama. Six public outreach hours were achieved.
The presentation centered around the fuel source Farley uses, fission, heat transfer, condensation, how electricity is made and the impact Southern Nuclear has on providing power to Alabama and Georgia.
The students had recently completed a study on fission, resulting in a very healthy discussion between the students and the WIN presenters on fission, by-products and heat. The students also had more than 50 questions about various types of power generating plants, transmission, fuel sources and the information shared during the presentation.
The 4th grade students were extremely positive and it was a rewarding experience for the teachers, students and WIN presenters. During and after the presentation, students shared their desires to become researchers, engineers, scientists; and others communicated that they would like to work at Farley Nuclear Plant. After the presentation, a couple of the teachers provided feedback that many of their students were inspired by the presentation and requested that additional presentations be made in 2018.