U.S. WIN Member Spotlight: Danielle Andreozzi


B.S. in Chemical Engineering with a math minor from Clarkson University


Mechanical Engineer, Entergy

Why did you choose the nuclear field or how did you end up in the nuclear field?

During my second year at Clarkson, I took a sustainability and energy class, and they discussed nuclear power. It piqued my interest and I talked to my dad, who had been working in the nuclear industry for many years. After that class, I spent two summer internships with Entergy at Indian Point Energy Center and really enjoyed the challenges, coworkers, mentoring, and science involved in nuclear energy. After college I was so excited to continue my experience in the nuclear field with Entergy!

What advice do you have for women in the nuclear field?

Take advantage of all the knowledge transfer opportunities that are available to you. Whether it’s joining Women in Nuclear lunch and learns, finding a mentor in your company, taking formal training, or shadowing a coworker, there are endless opportunities. These experiences help with individual development and networking with others in the industry.

What is your favorite aspect of U.S. WIN?

My favorite aspect of U.S. WIN is the professional development that is available. Anyone can join and listen to lunch and learns, meet people in different departments within their company, participate in webinars, and more. If you want to push yourself and pursue more leadership opportunities, you can lead an event, present a topic or safety message, or run for a leadership position. I didn’t expect the lessons and growth I gained from WIN to directly impact my job as a design engineer, but the leadership skills I learned have helped me lead design meetings with more confidence and mentor employees through the design process. I really appreciate what this organization has given to me and all members.