Be recognized for all you do in U.S. WIN!

Are you a member of the U.S. WIN Leading Group, Steering Committee, Communications Committee, Professional Development Committee, Metrics Committee, Awards & Recognition Committee, Leadership or Champion Awards Committees or the National Conference Committee (including speakers, facilitators, and track leads)?

You do a lot for U.S. WIN! Who at your company beside you and your boss knows that? The Awards and Recognition Committee has worked with current U.S. WIN Chair Victoria Dennis to create a template letter to tell your CNO, executive or professor all the good work you do.

All you need to do is fill out the template and send it to Victoria. The details are on the Awards and Recognition website (Awards & Recognition – U.S. Women In Nuclear ( under “Recognition Letter Template: U.S. WIN Committee Member Recognition Letter Template.” The template gives you directions on what to fill out and where to send the information.