We had a great #NukeBoss Mentoring Moment last week from past U.S. WIN chair Jhansi Kandasamy, discussing how having an external support system helped chart her path forward. Jhansi told U.S. WIN, “to be resilient is to adjust to change and to bounce back stronger, wiser, and personally more powerful.” We’ve included the Instagram posts from her Mentoring Moment below.
Jhansi Kandasamy is the Executive Director of Idaho National Laboratory’s Net-Zero program, responsible for leading INL to become a national model for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2031. Kandasamy brings 30 years of nuclear industry experience and leadership from her various roles at GE-Hitachi, Philadelphia Electric Company (PECO), Exelon’s Limerick Generating Station and Oyster Creek Station, and Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG) Nuclear Salem/Hope Creek New Jersey. Kandasamy is past chair of U.S. WIN, cofounder of U.S. WIN Nuclear Executives of Tomorrow (NEXT), co-founder of Atomic Allies, and oversight committee member for the U.S. WIN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion working group. She is also a past American Nuclear Society executive committee member.